Home Newsmakers The Original FTG By Suzanne Sendel

The Original FTG By Suzanne Sendel

NEW FOR 2023!


Optical distributor Suzanne Sendel frequently travels the country for work. Over the past decade in the industry, Sendel says that it became frustrating to misplace her frames and not have a safe storage place when she was away from home. Then in 2019, “I dreamt up the FTG (Frames to Go) one night, awoke, sketched it up and then went back to sleep,” she recalls.

One year later, she launched her website in March 2020. “We sold so many in our first two weeks, but then the pandemic shut down the nation, and we had to pivot because we weren’t going anywhere!”

Sendel took the downtime as an opportunity to spread the word, connecting and networking with rock stars and influencers in the industry. “I took note of those who inspired me, and when we received our first shipment, I couriered over 60 FTGs across the globe with hand written notes,” she says. The response was overwhelming as individuals began to share and tag her, and the word about FTG continued to spread. “It was most exciting as we are a niche agency, who believe in supporting all independents, and we were grateful, humbled and so very happy!”

Sendel has also had the opportunity to provide custom branding in the hospitality and retail segments. She continues to focus on her first goal of supporting the optical industry, and she hopes that the FTG will encourage multiple-pair sales and a simple way to take that eyewear anywhere they want to go.

FTG styles offer carrying options for 1-4 frames and up to 7 frames for those who want to bring more frame styles on their adventures.


Go back to the Women In Optometry 2023 Gift Guide.

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