Home Avulux Migraine Affects One in Every Five Patients You'll See Today

Migraine Affects One in Every Five Patients You’ll See Today

woman on purple velvet couch against purple wall, suffering from migraine
Learn more here. Image courtesy of Avulux.

15% of the people in the U.S. live with migraine.

24% of people living with migraine report headaches so severe they have sought emergency room care.

51% of people with migraine report at least a 50 percent reduction in work or school productivity, and 66 percent report at least a 50 percent reduction in household productivity.

Migraine is a complex genetic neurological condition characterized by recurrent episodes of severe headache, often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances. And it affects nearly 48 million people in the U.S.


Patients who live with migraine often experience photophobia, or light sensitivity, that either triggers or worsens symptoms. As an eye care professional, you can help by offering a subspecialty to support your patients in managing the impact of light on their lives.

  • Incorporate questions about migraine and light sensitivity into routine patient assessments.
  • Stay informed about current research and advancements in migraine diagnosis and management.
  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration with neurologists, primary care physicians, and other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care for patients experiencing migraine.
  • Provide patient education materials and resources on migraine awareness and management.

Read more on the prevalence here, and become an Avulux Authorized Provider and offer Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity lenses.

Read other WO stories on Avulux here.

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