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Nearly Every State Saw Increases in Percentage of Women ODs

The percentage of women ODs in practice saw a significant jump in 2022, up to 47.3 percent, according to an analysis that Women In...

Pop-Up Poll: Turn and Face the Name Ch-ch-changes

Whether through marriage, divorce or other change, women may change their last names -- legally, socially or some mix. How does that impact you...

Grow Your Very Own Practice

Independent optometry comes in all shapes and sizes. But ODs' motivations are similar: Provide best-in-class eye care for patients Generate a comfortable personal income ...

Love Your Job? Here’s What You Said

A recent WO Poll asked respondents a seemingly simple question: do optometrists love what they do? More than 54% of respondents said "most of the...

Are Pets Welcome Here?

Do you bring your pet to work? WO asked about pets in the workplace in a poll in 2017, and at the time 53%...

WCO Myopia Care Challenge: Take the Pledge

Sixty-three global eye care organizations and more than 25,700 practitioners have accepted the World Council of Optometry (WCO) Myopia Management Standard of Care...

Poll Respondents Lean Into the “Yes!”

A recent WO Poll asked readers a simple question: are you a “yes” person or a “no” person? When presented with a new opportunity or...

ODs Say They Mostly Met Their Goals Last Year

According to a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll, many eye care professionals set and met their personal and professional goals. Almost half (47...

Orthokeratology the Preferred Method of Myopia Management in Activity-Driven Individuals, According...

A new paper in press at Contact Lens & Anterior Eye indicates that orthokeratology (ortho-k) is the preferred method of myopia management in physically active...

Did You Crush Your 2022 Goals?

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