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Kid-Focused Practice Keeps Younger Patients at Ease

Shundale Mixon, OD, FAAO, FSLS, Diplomate ABO, started wearing glasses in second grade, and says visiting the eye doctor wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience....

Stepping Out Of Their Comfort Zone

Ashala Mah, OD, says that while she always had a goal of practice ownership, she fell into a comfortable rut working as an associate...

The Second Time Around (or Third, or Fourth)

These ODs know their way around what goes into opening a practice. Or four. We're featuring four unique practices whose layouts have been upgraded, their...

A Sudden Spark for the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Hardeep Kataria, OD, FAAO, did not see herself as a business owner. She had been content working in an ophthalmology practice since her residency...
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